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Curbside Pickup FAQ

Please contact your local store to confirm Curbside Pickup availability and service hours.

Curbside Pickup is currently available at participating stores from 11am-6pm every day.

All your favorite in-stock fragrances and candle accents are eligible for Curbside Pickup. At this time, we are not able to offer Gift Card purchases via Curbside Pickup, but you can personalize your own e-Gift Card at yankeecandle.cashstar.com.

Good news! If an item is out of stock at your local store, our teams are available to assist you in placing an order to ship to you home, provided the items are available.

Currently, we cannot process returns and exchanges for Curbside Pickup due to the contact-free nature of the service. However, there is no end date for our Happiness Guaranteed return policy. You can return or exchange any items at your convenience by returning it to the store with the original receipt or packing slip.

When you place your Curbside Pickup order on the phone, the store associate will give you directions on where to park to pick up your items.

The safety of our guests and employees remains our top priority. Our teams will follow all local safety practices.

We accept both credit card and debit card payments by phone for Curbside Pickup orders. We’re very sorry, but we cannot currently accept cash or checks.

Yes, you can use any eligible coupon that’s valid at the time you make your purchase. Please mention your coupon when placing your order over the phone.

Absolutely! Please inform the store associate if you wish to redeem a Gift Card, Free Birthday Gift, or Fragrance Family Rewards Fragrance Cash when you call the store. For Gift Cards, you will need to provide the unique identification number from the back of the card at the time of purchase.